Monday, April 12, 2010

OH MY TUMMY!!!!!!!

Hey, guys! I tell you... honest to GOODNESS, my tummy has never hurt so bad in my LIFE! I have laughed so much today, I threw myself into an asthma attack! I needed the laughter. It was splendifurkle! It all started with my pal Jenny B! Apparently, we're both haunted, no, not haunted, PLAGUED by Dora the Explorer and Deigo! Sidebar... Dora gets a full title and Deigo is just Deigo... like Cher, or Madonna... what's up with that? Hmmm... ANYWAY! We are both plagued by these two little kiddie shows. They may be entertaining for the kiddies, but they kinda make you, as an adult, want to ram your head through a brick wall... repeatedly. Just sayin'! I have LAUGHED at the situations we seem to get locked into with these... characters!
Then, today... talking Buffy quotages with my other bud Bits! You guys know me and Buffy. I would have married Joss Whedon if Kai hadn't already had snatched him right out from under my nose! Buffy quotes with Bits are fun! We pick out the most insanely hilarious, and obtuse quotes from whatever show happens to be on that day! Oh the laughs! It's not even the quotes really... it's the discussion that goes on ABOUT the quotes! Bits is frickin' hillarious and doesn't even know it! I believe most of the humor in our chats come from her! I think it opened the door for the rest of the laughter for the day. Put me in a good mood! So HOORAY!
Then there was Sarah B. Where do I start? We started with Buffy comics... yes I admit, I read them. What about it? LOL! Season 8 is just getting very... you fill in the blank with a word that's an antonym for good. Be as creative as you like! The girl had me rolling! We talked about everything from Buffy comics to me driving the riding lawn mower up the tree when I was about 4, and in my Miss America stage. You know... more concentrated on waving to the adoring fans as opposed to paying attention to where you're driving. YEP! Never been one to pay attention. Sarah showed me a "wee worthy" movie, and I'm really hoping I don't have to explain what a wee is! LOL! The best converstaions are when you laugh so hard you can reach into your mind and just barely remember what you've talked about! All of mine have been that way today!
Last but not least, none of my bloggage on laughter would be complete without the mention of one of my newest and dearest friends Watson! She is the QUEEN of laughter! Totally gets my randomness... and I have to admit... I do have times that I skip from one extreme topic to the next and she can follow me! I mean, how many friends can you talk to going from the subject of Buffy and then two words later, go on to discussing church and they totally get what you're saying? We joke all the time about sharing a mind... that in itself is a pretty hillarious picture! Reason being is that good old Watson is more intelligent than I am! Between the chat and all other platforms of communication, there is no easing my aching stomach!
I made a remark to Bits today that I thought I may have cracked a rib from laughing so hard! What a way to break a bone! Heard a remark from Watson today that she may die laughing... what a way to go! Watson always says that the laughter has to keep the stomach muscle toned. You would THINK with the way the sides, lungs, and inards hurt so badly! Now all I have to do is wait for it to firm up!
That about wraps it up for me tonight! Talk with you guys next go around, and I wish you much laughter and tightening of the tummy muscles!


  1. LOL!!! Oh man here I go now! This was a great post My Southern Gal! I love it! I am more then H-A-P-P-Y that there is a number of us filling your life with laughter! How beautiful! Great opening(not because I was mentioned first. :p), but even better closing! Shout out to Bits, Sarah B. and Watson! It is an honor to be apart of a group of people that contribute to the cause of making a special lady named Trista laugh and inspire smiles.
    Amor y Paz!

  2. Hear, Hear Jenny B!
    Very well said!
    It "is" an honor to be a part of that group - hey we're a group... :-)
    The laughter is so unbelievably fun, even at the cost of broken ribs! I can't even type this without it bringing a smile to my face. That funny, entertaining and genuine gal Trista made my day yesterday :D

  3. Awww! You guys rock! Glad you enjoyed the bloggage! Yes! We are definitely a group, and I'm loving every minute of it! Glad I could make ya smile, Bits, and glad I could make your day!

  4. *grumbles at the keyboard, though it was possibly Watson "brilliance" that just made the comment box disappear and delete the completed comment*

    Since I had a slight accident with the comment box, I guess I'll give the quick version:

    As I started to read the blog, I only got to maybe the second sentence and started laughing as I suddenly remembered almost dying laughing for lack of air last night!

    Anyhow ---oh hey, do ya think I should change my blogger name to Watson!!? lol! Have Watson as my universal online name? Hmmm :-D

    So Jenny B, your comment made me stop and think about the being a part of a groupage, very interesting thought! Hadn't thought of such a thing, but indeed, very fun group we must be! :) A returned shout out to you :-)

    Hmmm...I think I like this group... :-)
    Shout outs to all the groupies! :-)

    Laugh on!


    PS: with all my moments of "shear brilliance" you'd think that you, Trista, might notice that I'm probably not the smartest half of the brain! :-D lol

  5. Oh but you ARE Watson!!!!!! You know that! I like the group too! Groupies, though? LOL! :o) Btw... HAHAHAHAHA! for the deletation of the blog comment! But I'm glad you reposted! AND YEP! Asthma attack was YOUR FAULT! LOVED IT!

  6. LOL! I have to admit, the "groupies" didn't flow...but after deleting the last comment, I was in more of a hurry to remember what I'd used before... should have said the laughers or comedians, wait, can we be comics? Hmm... :-P

    And it was when I read "asthma attack" that I started laughing!

    over and out Holmes, got lots to do :-)

  7. HAHAHA! We can soooooo be the comics!

  8. SWEET! That's my coined phrase!!!! LOL!
