Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Plan

Hello, gentle viewers! It's been sooooooooo long! I hope everyone is doing well after the holiday madhouse that I'm sure turned most of your lives into a topsy-turvy change of seasons. I know it definitely did so for me! One thing about the holidays, they may not always be the most fun, but once you see one drunk friend after another, they're definitely the most entertaining.
So here's what's happening in my neck of the woods. I have a friend of mine that's really REALLY starting to annoy me, I have recently gotten a new job and am working in a call center for Verizon Wireless(which I absolutely LOVE). So, that's been me for the last few months. Between work and other things in my life, I haven't really had the time to do much. I have, however, had the time to think up a plan. A wonderful plan! Shall I tell you guys about it? I think I shall!
I don't know if you guys have realized this or not, but I am somewhat of a Buffy fanatic. I love the series, the music, and I think the show had some of the smartest writing within the history of television. All this being said, here's my plan...(pause for dramatic effect)...I have decided upon doing an audio version of the show starring some of the biggest fans of the show! One of the main reasons that I had decided to do was because I have the opportunity to jump in on some stage projects for the show which I am really excited about! I figured that upon playing these parts(and yes I actually have different parts throughout different seasons), it would help me as far as interacting lines with others. I can quote the show forwards and backwards, but interactions a different story.
What do I want from you guys? Here's my thoughts: As I've already told you, I want to do an audio of the series. All 144 episodes in a podcast type format. The parts of Joyce, Drusilla, Darla, Tara, Giles, and Faith are cast already. I'm still in need of a Buffy, Willow, Xander, Cordelia, Kendra, Spike, Riley(GAG), Oz, Master, Glory, Adam, Prof. Walsh, Snyder, Princ. Flutie, Mayor, Luke, Dawn, the diffent Potentials for Season 7, Angel, and tons of other extras parts! Here's what I'm proposing. I'd like to hold auditions, either via Skype, GTalk or some other audio platform. If your acting skills aren't the best of the best, don't worry about it. This is for fun. Just audition if you want to take part in it. Acting skills aren't really a neccessity as long as you can do some inflection in your voice! :o) You guys can either shoot me an email, reply to/DM me on Twitter(@tholmes86), send me a message on Facebook, or just leave a some comments on the blog. I do want some feedback on this one as to if you guys like the idea or not so leave some comments! I'm hoping this will be a blast for everyone that takes part!
Also, just wanted to give you guys a heads up, I am presently scouting out some different locations in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding areas to hold a showing of BUFFY: ONCE MORE WITH FEELING for Halloween this year. Planning on doing it ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW style...everyone come dressed as one of the characters from the show and there will be call back lines! Much like the OMWF sing-a-long in Texas if any of you guys went to it. If so, I bet I saw you there! :o) So that's definitely something for ya'll to gear up for as well! It shall be a rolicking success! :o)
I guess I'm all tapped out today! See you guys on he next go around and take care of yourselves! :o)


  1. Oooh, some extremely exciting stuff coming up. Look forward to it! Break a leg T! Heehee ;-)

  2. Nice post!I enjoy reading it!

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