Sunday, June 27, 2010

This is me

So, I have something to say...
If I yell at you, or get short with you, don't assume I hate you or don't care about whatever we're talking about. When I care enough to yell at you or get short with you, rest assured you're loved. I find it completely obtuse and crazed for some people to go around in their everyday lives with drama in them. If you can avoid it, why put yourself through it? I had this friend of mine today(for those of you that have watched Buffy, the girl acts very much like Snyder... in the BAND CANDY episode), anyway, this friend of mine attacks me, not physically, because she knows better than that, but verbally attacked my character, and I'm not gonna lie. It pissed me off GREATLY. I love the girl to death; she's absolutely one of my BEST friends, but sometimes she doesn't have the sense God gave a coconut... in fact, the coconut may have more sense. SHE asked for MY opinion about a certain situation she was in... some DAYS OF OUR LIVES saga thing. I gave her my opinion, and I was nice as I could be about it, seeing as she kept on finding reasons to ignore EVERYTHING I was saying and continue to ask me questions. So, yeah, I admit, I raised my voice. I didn't yell, but me raising my voice is extremely rare. Then I felt badly for raising my voice, so I got really quiet and started speaking in a slightly clipped tone. Then came the kicker.
She says, "You just absolutely DON'T care about me, do you?" The whole reason I DID give her my opinion was because I cared. Like I said, I love her, but sometimes she's an idiot. I try to tell her things to keep her from getting hurt, and she automatically jumps to, "You don't care." If I tell you something, if I care enough to ARGUE with you about something, I care about you. I only yell and fight with people I love. So please, guys, for furture reference, if I get miffed about a discussion, please know that I do care, and I would rather have you angry or upset with me than I would to see a friend hurting or regretting a decision they've made later on down the road. I've been there and I know how bad it sucks.
So, my advice to you crazy kids... leave the drama in high school. The less amount of it we have in the real world, the better off we'll be.

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